nominal value

美 [ˈnɑːmɪnl ˈvæljuː]英 [ˈnɒmɪnl ˈvæljuː]
  • 标称值;名义值,名义价格;公称值,额定值
nominal valuenominal value


the value of a security that is set by the company issuing it;unrelated to market value
Synonym: par value face value


  1. In the selection of indicators of economic growth . nominal GDP growth rate selected in this paper on behalf of economic growth . the financial development variables and other control variables are taken to the nominal value . so here use nominal GDP rather than real GDP .


  2. Some would opt for gold , although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile .


  3. Probability Analyses of the Weight of Concrete Railway Bridges and Its Nominal Value


  4. The first table shows the effect on the nominal value of exports , interest paympents , and lending .


  5. Nominal value : determine the nature but not fix quantify , it is not able to do arithmetical operation .


  6. In this paper , the full scale experiment data are stated and compared with API nominal value to ascertain actual casing strength margin .


  7. The bonds will be extended by 30 years , and their nominal value will be guaranteed by the EFSF .


  8. It has been observed that permanent loads are more likely to be greater than the nominal value than to be less than this value .


  9. Investors may receive at maturity the worst performing security as of the fixing date with a value substantially less than the nominal value .


  10. I found that , besides a small , brief start-up current , the nominal value quickly settled to values well within the fuse 's rating .


  11. The measured result for tritiated water coincides with the nominal value of the NBS standard within an uncertainty of ± 0.63 % .


  12. They would receive a package of new instruments with a nominal value of just 46.5 per cent of the par value of their current Greek bonds .


  13. The former is formulated under the assumption that the actual value of thenon-faulty components is just equal to its nominal value .


  14. The fixed number of the underlying security , referred to as the initial number of securities , may have a value substantially less than the nominal value .


  15. Difference between the nominal value and the actual value of a capacitor occurs due to edge effect , which may cause unexpected breakdowns of the capacitors .


  16. If long-term interest rates go up , the nominal value of bonds goes down , and conversely , when interest rates decline , bond prices go up .


  17. Under this circumstance , investors will receive the maximum return of bull eli , being the difference between the nominal value and the purchase price .


  18. Furthermore despite the rise in its nominal value , the yen is not particularly expensive in real terms thanks to year after year of untreated deflation .


  19. The structure of the presented control strategy is simple , and the nominal value is used to fix the initial weight of neural-network , which is easy to realize in industry .


  20. It carries a coupon of 4.5 % but currently sells at slightly below its face value , at around S $ 99.50 per S $ 100 of nominal value .


  21. We may pay commission by way of a placement fee of up to3 % of the Nominal Value of a Single Callable ELI to the Distributors .


  22. Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load .


  23. The most direct monetary internationalization benefit is the Seigniorage , which means the international currency issuing country can get real wealth equivalent to the nominal value of currency from other countries .


  24. The Marxist definitions of nominal value and market value , from which the theoretical formulae for estimating assets bubbling and its degree can be derived , provide the key for the analysis of assets bubbling .


  25. However , because of many factors in practice , the real phase shift value introduced by a phase shifter is often more or less different from its nominal value , and this difference is always difficult to predict and control .


  26. From the nominal value of the mutual capacitance of the cable , diameters of the insulated conductors and coaxial capacitance as well as extrudate and the amount of nitrogen injected may be calculated .


  27. The Swiss bank said earlier this month it had agreed to sell BlackRock securities with a nominal value of $ 22bn in a deal reducing its portfolio of troubled holdings and releasing capital .


  28. The all-too-common but misguided notion that a decline in the nominal value of one 's currency is cause for shame obscures the truth that a weaker euro would now be a blessing for the eurozone .


  29. And it is commonly regarded as fault-free when the comparative deviation of component parameters are within ± 5 % of the nominal value , while in practical operations the allowance range could be set flexibly according to different requirements for the circuit performance .


  30. With more than $ 600bn in assets around the world and derivatives trades with a nominal value of trillions of dollars , Lehman was so embedded into the global financial fabric that its disappearance caused the system to seize up .
